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fjrigjwwe9r1HaveForRoomInfoDetail:commentI have a room available in my 2BR apartment. Price of rent includes all utilities (heat, hot water, electric) as well as cable TV with DVR and wireless internet The apartment is 1 block from the J/M/Z trains and 3 blocks from the G train. There is a shared living room, kitchen and bathroom. The kitchen is stocked with pots, pans, dishwasher, etc. Up-and-coming neighborhood in Brooklyn">

I have Semi Furnished, Private Room available in 8x10, New York City

  • Contact Me
    Posted by jessica
    Last Active 02/12/2008
    Room TypeDepositRentNotice Period (In Months)
    Private Room$975$9750
    I have a room available in my 2BR apartment. Price of rent includes all utilities (heat, hot water, electric) as well as cable TV with DVR and wireless internet
    The apartment is 1 block from the J/M/Z trains and 3 blocks from the G train.
    There is a shared living room, kitchen and bathroom. The kitchen is stocked with pots, pans, dishwasher, etc. Up-and-coming neighborhood in Brooklyn
    Semi Furnished
    • TV

    • Bed